Policarpo Baquera (he/him)

is a senior technical producer, technologist, and architect born in Alicante, Spain, currently residing in Brooklyn, NY. His practice combines creative coding, physical and digital fabrication, electronics, robotics, and audiovisual interfaced systems that explore the digital mediation of physical spaces through responsive recycled assemblages and site-specific multimedia installations. For more insight into his work, continue exploring this website, or visit his Vimeo or LinkedIn profile.

He holds an MS in Computational Design from Carnegie Mellon University, a Masters in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the University of São Paulo, and a Professional Certification in Technical Project Management by MIT. With over 7 years of international experience, he has contributed as a project manager, installation leader, and exhibition designer at SOSO (US), EMPTY (UAE), AZPML (UK) or Langarita-Navarro (Spain). His personal work has been exhibited at Oslo Architecture Triennale, Venice Architecture Biennale, CDAN-Fundación Beulas, or CentroCentro Madrid, and has been awarded the European prize Young Talent Architectural Award from Mies Van Der Rohe Foundation in 2016 and the prestigious laCaixa Fellowship in 2019.

